Energy Forecast for Full Moon in Pisces & Entering of Virgo Season

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Pisces is all the Feels, the Deep Insight, Spiritual Connectedness and Alignment with Higher Self. Being that this is in Virgo Season is Huge!

Polar Opposites, are what can describe these energetic forces at play here, as Virgo and Pisces are both the complete opposite of the zodiac sitting at the exact half way mark of each other around the wheel of all 12 signs.

This Full Moon in Pisces kicking off the start of this month as we are entering Virgo Season is an amazing opportunity to take those Dreams to the next level, while Virgo Energy holds down the fort for the ground work to be done.

Virgo’s grounding energy is like the actualizing affect of what is happening in the realm of ‘Manifesting’ and bringing it down here, on the ground in real-time, for us to begin a new cycle of weaving our ‘Intentions’ into our Realities with the force of Pisces in this recent Full Moon.

Going through the portal of this powerful combination of energy, we can get super In-Tune with our Higher Self and our Divine Purpose.

Bringing our Truest Intentions forward with a more clear view and focus of how you want to move forward.

Play close attention now to the feelings under the surface, the most obvious Feels and even the things you question. As you dive deeper into this energy, be ready to release what is no longer necessary as Virgo Energy doesn’t tolerate the ‘Emotional Baggage’ that Pisces Energy can bring, often times fogging the view of the clear path that lays ahead.

Think of the Pisces Energy as a hazy mysterious fog, that can lead you into your most deepest Depths and Discoveries while the Practical, Honest, and very Grounded Energy of Virgo- allows for a clear path to be paved while weaving into fruition your ‘Divine Purpose’ with realistic steps towards the outcome.

Beware of the Truth Bombs, The Intensity, and Reality Checks that these energies can bring forward as a Rude Awakening that may be revealed while we initially brake into this energetic force as we enter this season with a bang.

Once that energy rides, with proper planning, preparation and focus you will aim higher than you imagined.

There is a very Heightened Ability to ‘Feel’ as well as ‘See’ during these current energies. You may be feeling your senses are heightened now especially if your in alignment with this energy and possibly overwhelmed if it has not yet been fully integrated.

This Season is asking us to step up in new and innovative ways, using our ‘thinking caps’ and thinking outside of the box, while still remaining balanced and focused on what is realistically happening here on the ground level, making the best of what is right in front of us a this time.

The energy is saying now to prepare for and to visualize what you realistically want to see ahead, while staying focused on the underlying meaning and feelings behind all that you are involved with at this time- as it is a powerful time for growth and development with the encouragement of these energies now and for the month ahead with one foot in front of the other, not skipping any steps.

Notice your day dreams and night dreams at this time, as they might be coming in stronger than usual. Take a journal and pay attention to the signs and symbols you have been noticing around you. These current energies allow for more play time with nature and day to day life, realistic results for even your most far-out imaginations may come as a surprise.

Message for this forecast:

“Small Little Nothings, can become Great Big Somethings”

~Eleni Khan

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