The Melting Moon/ Energy Forecast/Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse


The Melting Moon- How we are Receiving Her?

This Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse marks this exact turning point where Sagittarius steaks its claim bringing in a gust of wind with the aid of this recent full moon in Gemini to lighten things up a bit.

Pushing that intense Scorpio Energy off for the final cutting of the chords that it holds so deeply.

The transition into Sag came creeping in silently at first, ready to hold space for all the previous residue of Scorpio's deep healing and the surfacing of the old wounds.

The intensity of Scorpio energy can sometimes take its exit point leaving us feeling depleted and over worked, while we ultimately emerge much stronger on the other side coming out of it.

This energetic shift brings in a quiet strength, the silent roar and the force that comes from deep within the core- as it cannot be remembered if we are not able to touch deep enough inwardly, in order for it to emerge.

This Lunar Eclipse entering Sagittarius season, comes rolling in saying; 'You are enough', through all your strong connections and desires; She continues to say;

“Plant your feet firmly on the ground and grow your roots beneath you, in order to reach the top”.

Ultimately all the greatest potentials and strongest connections that we make, cannot fully take form until the roots have matured and settled in deeper.

As well as the ability to sink deeply enough within, to go 'below' the surface and focus on what is beneath you...

I call this a Melting Moon, because she aids in deepening those roots while also freeing up the space above for Receiving, simultaneously.

As previously Scorpio Season may have thrusted you into the depths of yourself that you may have long forgotten- Sagittarius comes in with the aid of Gemini at the perfect time to help lighten the load and free you from the burden of feeling that your sinking too deep within your own well.

As we can all get lost in there sometimes, and forget how to stay on the surface when we need to and how to balance the energy of going deeper, in-ward and out-ward, as well as above and below.

This eclipse is not a Total Lunar eclipse, as it is a Partial one and sometimes called a 'Beaver Moon'- resting right in the mid point of the earths shadow; not completely diving in too deep, yet knowing exactly where its safe to stay and rest.

Holding its space, to be available to go up or down, right in the middle or somewhere in-between.

Its during those ‘In-between’ times, during which we balance the Old with the New, the Past with the Present as well as the Future- often times the messy points in which Real Transformation occurs.

Now is the opportunity to let this fluid energy seep deeper into the gaps and the cracks of life, meeting us where we least expect it giving us exactly what we need.

Here in this space, we release, we let go, we give thanks and gratitude for all that is and all that has not yet come to pass.

The Resistances that we are breaking through today are opening the doors for what we will be Receiving tomorrow.

This Hibernation period, is the surrendering point of accepting and releasing- this is what I would define as what True Rest is.

Allow this Melting moon, with Her extremely Fluid Energy to melt right into you, to integrate the transition of this period into the next phase of growth on your journeys so that you may allow your roots to grow further into the ground beneath you.

Eleni Marinos1 Comment