Libra & the Goddess of Justice/Energy Forecast for Libra Season/Balance & Truth

Awakening of ‘Balance & Truth’ from Within


Balancing of the ‘Light & Dark’ as only the ‘Truth can Set you Free’:

Libra Season has begun with the strong force of the recent Full Moon in Aries. This was a powerful start to the Season as the intensity of this Full Moon was fierce and cutting through the Illusions in and around us; as well as there being a powerful ending of Libra Season with a huge wide-open door of the Full Moon in Taurus bringing in Abundance and Fullness as the cycle closes.

During this time, the Energies are Revealing to us our Inner Truth, what does not align and where we are in most alignment at this time.

Bringing forward the shadows that lay within, accepting and embracing what the Truth has to reveal for us at this time.

For only the Truth can set us Free…

Inner Freedom is a process of awakening to the Truth within.

During this season there is ample opportunity to readjust and realign your truth as necessary.

Libra brings in the balance and justice for what is meant to be in your path while revealing to you all the ways in which we are not aligning ourselves with our Path.

Bringing Balance to the ‘Light & Dark’ from within is not an easy task, we must be willing to embrace the fear and the shadows that lurk beneath the surface. In doing so, we enable ourselves the opportunity to set ourselves Free from what no longer needs to be holding us back, releasing any resistances towards your growth and advancement.

We cannot advance and bring in the ‘Right Balance’ without first facing the ugly truths that exist both in our external and internal worlds.

Accepting the things we cannot control while letting go of what we know we are no longer in alignment with.

In this way we can become open to receiving the gift that this Energy has in store for us now.

Unraveling ‘Truth’ from the core of your True Intentions, while allowing the space for the Energies to support you in your Growth with Balance and Alignment of your Higher Purpose as well as where you are planted on the Ground at this time.

The more Translucent we become with ourselves and the world around us, the more space becomes available to us both internally and externally for receiving this abundance which provides us with exactly what we need at this time moving forward.

In your minds eye, ask your Higher Self to reveal to you what ever truths are necessary and integral for your growth at this time.

Allow yourself to become the observer, unbiased and open to receiving that which only ‘Spirit’ can reveal; bringing in the Balance of Judgment and Discernment, the Light and the Dark as well as Releasing of what is not in alignment with your Highest Good with perfect Trust and Order for all things that illuminate your path ahead. .

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